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7 Tips for Choosing a High Quality Paint

You’ve finally decided on the new paint colors for your home and you can’t wait to get started! While you may think you’ve done the hard part, your choices are just beginning. Whether you’re looking to do a residential paint job or a commercial one, you want your paint to look great, as well as stand the test of time. Whatever your project may entail, it’s important to choose a paint that will last. Before beginning your project, take the time to find a paint that’s both beautiful and hardy. Read on for seven tips for choosing a high quality paint.

1. Know Your Space

The space you’re painting plays a role in determining which type of paint is best. Different paints meet different needs, and tailoring your choice to the project area will help your paint last longer. As you compare paints, make sure they match the area you’ll be painting. If you’re working in a space that doesn’t see much use, your needs will be different than if you’re focusing on an area that sees a lot of traffic. The more you know your space, the more you’ll know what you need to look for. This will ensure you choose the best type of paint for your project area.

2. Compare Brands

As you look for the best paint possible, don’t base your choice on price or reputation alone. Don’t be afraid to do some research. Read reviews when considering paints and always compare brands. Ask around to see if anyone in your social circle has experience using the paints you’re considering. Every brand will advertise that they’re the best, so make sure you know which ones actually are. Paying attention to your surroundings can go a long way when considering paint types. If your neighbor has a high-traffic area that always looks great, ask them about the paint they used.

3. Get to Know the Paint

One of the best ways to ensure you choose great paint is to get to know the paint itself. Research the makeup and what qualities each element brings to the paint. As you compare paints, consider your needs and how each type of paint will meet them. Does the paint require multiple coats, or only one? Do you need a primer? Is the paint made for wear and tear, or is it meant for looking nice in an area that’s not often touched? What type of paint will give you the look you want? Is chalk paint something you’re considering? Does the brand have a history, or is it new on the market? Does the paint have any sort of reputation? These and many other questions will help you get to know the paints you’re considering and will help you choose what’s best for you.

4. Take a Test Drive

Once you’ve narrowed it down to a few paint choices, it’s time to compare them in action. Get yourself some samples and try each of them out. Apply them side by side for easy comparison. Painting sample areas is a great way to get an idea of the color, sheen, and quality of the paint you’re considering. To get the best idea of how lighting will play off of the paint, observe the paint during all times of the day. If the paint is likely to get stained, test out its resistance. Consider the finish and quality of the look the paint gives once it’s dry. Does it look high quality? Does it give off the vibe that you’re going for? Don’t settle for cheaper paint in order to save yourself some cash. In the long run, pricier, higher quality paint should last a decade or two, so be sure the paint you go with is exactly what you want.

5. Know the Paint’s Makeup

Various sites and companies have likely run tests comparing paints, so use their work to your advantage. Read up on scores and tests and see how different paints have stacked up. Consider how well the paint covers other colors, handles stains, and holds up to washing and sunlight. Understand the ingredients that go into the paint you’re considering. Are there any chemicals you’re worried about? Is the paint oil or water based? Look for high amounts of pigment in your paint, especially titanium dioxide. The more pigment present, the better the paint will cover other colors.

6. Understand the Lingo

When choosing a paint, make sure you understand the descriptive words you’ll be encountering. Choosing a paint from among hundreds is hard enough without being confused by descriptions. What does it mean that the paint is flat? Do you want eggshell, satin, or semigloss? Research what each term means so you know what you should be searching for. Also, note that interior and exterior paints are not created equally. If you’re working on an interior project, go with interior paint.

7. Look for Guarantees

One simple and easy way to ensure you’re looking at a higher quality paint is to look for guarantees. A good paint job should last you years, and paint companies know this. If a company isn’t willing to offer a warranty with their paint, look elsewhere. But don’t be satisfied with any warranty. Those are worth your research time too. Warranties may cover several years, and some companies may even offer lifetime warranties. But what does that warranty cover? Take this into consideration as you compare.

High Quality Paint Requires Research

Countless types of paints exist, and you don’t want to get punked by something that only looks flashy. Do your research to make sure you’re choosing a high quality paint. Understanding the ingredients of paints and how they work will really go a long way. So will making sure you really know what you want. While you’re likely eager to get that new paint on your walls, don’t jump into your project, or you may end up hurting later. Taking the time to perform only a few simple tasks will really pay off in the end. To learn about the interior painting services we provide, contact Image Line Painting today.

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