Exterior siding and trim painting in Calgary

Getting Your House Exterior Painted? Take These Preparatory Steps First

Painting the exterior of your home and keeping it in good repair is one of the best ways to stop problems before they start. If you allow the paint to chip, peel and crack, you are leaving your home exposed to the elements, and it will not be long before the damage begins to show….

Calgary interior painters

What Do Interior House Painters Want You to Know

Whether you’re after a change of scenery or you’re looking to boost the value of your home, there’s no bad reason to paint the inside of your home. After all, it’s where you’ll spend the majority of your time, it’s important it looks good. A fresh coat of paint can bring any room alive, and…

Calgary Painter looking at wall

5 Ways House Painters Can Transform Your Home

Do you ever feel glum at home, despite the sun shining through the windows? Do you have a tendency toward feeling stressed and anxious? Do you feel like your house doesn’t reflect your personality? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, your home might be in need of a face-lift. Luckily, “face-lift” doesn’t…

Painting contractors Calgary

What to Consider When Hiring a Painting Contractor

  Before you engage with a painting contractor, it is imperative to choose reliable, affordable, and professional painting companies. A coat of paint adds both physical appeal and protection to buildings. Nonetheless, painting is not an easy task that can be performed by anybody.   Here are seven steps to consider when hiring a professional…